Privacy for applicants

Privacy for applicants


1.1 This Privacy Notification is applicable when you apply for an open position at SkeyDrone (“We”), through any method (whether electronically or not).

1.2 This Privacy Notification is only applicable to the processing of personal data carried out by SkeyDrone.

1.3 SkeyDrone is a public limited company and subsidiary of the public autonomous company skeyes. The objects of the company are the offer, marketing and provision of services for, among other things, positioning, navigation, guidance and data analysis, for unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), as well as all directly or indirectly related and ancillary services.

1.4 SkeyDrone does its utmost to protect and process the personal data that are entrusted to us in a correct and transparent way, more particularly in accordance with the applicable law and especially with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (‘GDPR’). We keep your data as safe as is reasonably possible and protect it against loss and unauthorised distribution.

2. Who will process my personal data?

2.1 The controller for your personal data is the public limited company SkeyDrone :

Company seat: SkeyDrone, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels

Exploitation seat : SkeyDrone, Tervuursesteenweg 303, 1820 Steenokkerzeel


3. For what purpose and on what legal basis is my personal data processed?

3.1 During the application process:

3.1.1 SkeyDrone will register your application and create a profile if this application leads to the start of a selection procedure. SkeyDrone will process all necessary data that is required to assess your application in view of possible recruitment.

3.1.2 The processing of your personal data is required to take measures prior to the conclusion of an employment contract.

3.1.3 In the case of a decision not to hire you, SkeyDrone will keep your personal data during a well-defined period (see point 8).

3.2 During the hiring process:

3.2.1 In case of a positive assessment and decision to hire you, SkeyDrone will also use your personal data to prepare the employment contract.

4. Which categories of personal data are processed?

4.1 Personal data contains all information that is related to you or that can be used to identify you. Therefore, anonymous data, without the possibility of identifying you, will not be considered as personal data

4.2 For the purposes mentioned above, SkeyDrone processes the following personal data during the application process:

• standard information regarding your identity (name, first name(s), address, …);

• identification data generated by SkeyDrone (for instance a personal number);

• personal data (place and date of birth, nationality, gender, telephone number, email address, hobbies and interests, marital status, etc.);

• the channel where you found the open position (a SkeyDrone employee, a specific website etc.);

• your photo if you provide this voluntarily (for instance included in your CV);

• data related to your professional experience (profile, data about previous employers, termination of last jobs and the work delivered, special projects, etc.) including a reference check if you supplied references in your CV;

• data related to your education (diplomas, certificates, internships, specific training, etc.);

• language skills;

• if applicable, whether or not you have a work/residence permit in the European Economic Area (EEA);

• any other personal data that you can share with us in your application, your CV or motivation letter;

• digital assessment via the internet (presence on social media), to the extent that this presence is open for us;

• all other personal data (than the above-mentioned) that according to the law must be processed.

4.3 Unless we explicitly specify this, you are not obliged to share with us all of the above-mentioned data in the context of an application. If you don’t share the data that is specifically requested, this can have a negative impact on your application.

5. Who will have access to my personal data?

5.1 The personal data of applicants is stored in SkeyDrone’s administrative IT system. Only SkeyDrone’s management has access to the stored data for the purposes mentioned above and on a strict ‘need to know’ basis.

5.2 In case an external assessment is needed for a specific function, your personal data will be transferred to the third party that will execute this assessment. In that case, SkeyDrone will require the necessary guarantees in order to protect your personal data.

5.3 Other than this, SkeyDrone doesn’t send your data to other parties. The confidentiality of your personal data is always guaranteed.

6. Is my personal data shared outside the EEA?

6.1 Your personal data is neither shared, nor sent to countries outside the European Economic Area.

7. Will SkeyDrone use an automated decision-making process?

7.1 Automated decision-making is defined as decisions about individuals that are exclusively based on automated data processing and to which legal consequences are attached or that significantly affect the individuals concerned.

7.2 SkeyDrone shall in principle not make use of automated decision-making processes as described above.

8. How long will my personal data be stored?

8.1 SkeyDrone stores your personal data during the period that is necessary in light of the above-mentioned purposes.

8.2 If you apply to us and this does not result in an employment relationship, we will store your data during one year after the end of the hiring procedure

9. Which rights do I have related to the processing of my personal data?

9.1 You can contact SkeyDrone at any time for assistance during the application process or for the management of your personal data. In addition, you have the right to contact SkeyDrone at any time with a request:

• to access your personal data and to make a copy of it;

• to ask us to update or correct your personal data, if you think it is incorrect or incomplete;

• to ask to delete your personal data, or to limit the way in which we use those data, if you think that we do not (or no longer) have any legitimate basis to process it;

• to revoke your authorization regarding the processing of your personal data (insofar the processing is based on your authorization);

• to receive your personal data in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form and to transfer it to another party (insofar the processing is based on authorization or the performance of an agreement);

• to limit the processing of the personal data if you dispute the processing or the accuracy of the processed data or if you want to keep private specific personal data in view of a potential legal claim while SkeyDrone no longer needs it in light of the purposes mentioned under point 3.

9.2 At any time, you have the right to object to the processing which Skeydrone would have used as a basis in point 3. SkeyDrone shall, after investigation, stop the processing unless there are mandatory legal grounds for further processing. So, for instance you can file a claim against the processing of your data after a non-retained application. In this case SkeyDrone will immediately delete your data and stop further processing.

9.3 You can enforce your above-mentioned rights by sending an email to You can also use these contact details if you wish to make a claim related to the processing of your personal data.

9.4 In addition, you have the right to file a claim – if you think that SkeyDrone did not respect the law related to data protection – with the Data Protection Authority.

10. How to get in touch with us?

10.1 If you have questions about this Privacy Notification and how we process personal data in general, you can contact us by:

• sending an email to:

• sending a written request to: SkeyDrone, Tervuursesteenweg 303, 1820 Steenokkerzeel

11. Modifications to this Privacy Notification?

11.1 SkeyDrone can modify this Privacy Notification at any time. For each modification we will change the revision date on the top of this page, to inform you when we last modified this Privacy Notification. The modified Privacy Notification will be valid as of this date.

11.2 Please consult our website regularly to stay informed of changes and additions.

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